Russian visa

Needed documents:
1. The passport must be valid for at least 6 months after the expiry of the visa.
2. The passport must have at least 2 blank pages affixed to the visa (visas are not affixed to “other entries” or “passport validity”).
3. Visas are issued according to the validity period of the redeemed insurance (minimum insurance amount 45,000 euros). The insurance policy must contain an entry that goes to Russia, not the CIS (you can buy insurance from us).
4. Photos: color, matte, white background (3.5 x 4.5 cm)
5. The passport is not torn, scratched, etc.
6, For children under 16 years. copy of birth certificate.
7. Questionnaire data: workplace, position, address, telephone, residence. address, pers. telephone number, maiden name (if the woman has changed her surname), city of birth and year of immigration to the Republic of Lithuania (if born outside the Republic of Lithuania).
Note: Visa conditions are subject to change.
Date | Viza įforminama per 3 d.d. | Viza įforminama per 8 d.d. |
Turistinė 1-kartinė iki 30 dienų | 120 EUR | 80 EUR |
Turistinė 1-kartinė iki 30 dienų (asmenims turintiems neįgaliojo pažymėjimą) | 120 EUR | 20 EUR |
Tranzitas į vieną pusę | 120 EUR | 80 EUR |
Tranzitas į abi puses | 120 EUR | 80 EUR |
Indian visa

Needed documents:
- Passport valid for at least 6 months. after the expiry of the visa;
- 3 identical photos corresponding to age;
- Questionnaire data (place of residence, contact telephone, place of work and position;
- A copy of the flight ticket reservation.
- Parents ‘names and surnames (mother’ s maiden name).
Note: visas are opened from the date of issue of the visa (it is not possible to select the desired date)!
Type of Visa |
Vizos įforminamos per 4-5 savaites |
Daugkartinė 6 mėn. turistinė viza |
120 EUR |
Belorussian visa

Needed documents:
- Passport valid for at least 3 months after the visa expires
- 1 photo.
- Insurance.
- Questionnaire data.
- Questionnaire data of the person with whom the questionnaire is held.
Note: Visa conditions are subject to change.
General Remarks:
- The passport must be valid for at least 3 months after the visa expires.
- The passport must have at least 2 blank pages affixed to the visa (visas are not affixed to “other entries” or “passport validity”).
- Visas are issued according to the validity period of the redeemed insurance (minimum insurance amount 10000 euros). The insurance policy must bear the logo of the Belgian company (insurance can be purchased at our office).
- Photographs: 3,5 x 4,5 cm, on a light background, in color or in black and white, according to the age of the applicant (not older than 6 months)
- The passport is not torn, scratched, etc.
- For children under 16 years. copy of birth certificate, copies of passports of both parents.
- Questionnaire data: workplace, position, address, telephone, residence. address, pers. telephone number, maiden name (if the woman has changed her surname), city of birth and year of immigration to the Republic of Lithuania (if she was born outside the Republic of Lithuania), spouse’s data (name, surname, maiden name, date of birth.).
- BY visas are not affixed to new passports.
- Non-transit visas are valid for the duration of the insurance policy.
- Only urgent transit visas are issued on Fridays.
Types of Visa | Vizos įforminamos per 2-3 d.d. | Vizos įforminamos per 5 d.d. |
1 kartą privati, tarnybinė
1 kartą turistinė |
65 EUR
75 EUR |
40 EUR
45 EUR |
2 kartus | 90 EUR | 50 EUR |
Daug kartų per 30 dienų | 135 EUR | 75 EUR |
Grupinė 1 kartą iki 30 dienų (asmeniui; ne mažiau kaip 5 žmonės) | 35 EUR | 25 EUR |
Grupinė 2 kartus iki 30 dienų (asmeniui; ne mažiau kaip 5 žmonės) | 55 EUR | 35 EUR |
Vaikams iki 6 metų visų vizų tipai | – | 10 EUR |
Viza artimųjų kapų lankymui: dvi vienkartinės vizos metuose galiojančios po 25 d. | – | 10 EUR |
Daugkartinė iki 1 metų | 140 EUR | 80 EUR |
Daugkartinė iki 3 metų (nuo 6 iki 16 metų ir virš 65 metų) | 140 EUR | 80 EUR |
Verslo viza (tarnybinė): daugkartinė iki 90 dienų | 145 EUR | 85 EUR |
Verslo viza (tarnybinė): daugkartinė iki 1 metų | 150 EUR | 90 EUR |
Tranzitinė kartinė (į vieną pusę) iki 3 mėnesių | 35 EUR | 25 EUR |
Tranzitinė 2 kartus (į abi puses) iki 3 mėnesių | 45 EUR | 30 EUR |
Daugkartinė tranzitinė | 90 EUR | 50 EUR |
Kazakh visa

Needed documents:
- Passport valid for at least 6 months. after the expiry of the visa. The passport must have 2 blank pages for affixing visas;
- 1 photo corresponding to age (3.5 x 4.5 cm);
- Questionnaire data (place of residence, contact telephone, place of work and position);
- Call (or call number).
- Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays in the Republic of Kazakhstan are not included in the time;
- The day of the order is not included;
- Prices are also valid for foreign citizens;
- Truck drivers are only issued visas for up to 6 months.
Type of Visa |
Viza įforminama per 6 d. d. |
1 kartą iki 1 mėn. (turistinė) |
70 EUR |
2 kartus iki 2 mėn. (turistinė) |
110 EUR |
1 kartą iki 1 mėn. (tarnybinė) |
75 EUR |
1 kartą iki 3 mėn. (tarnybinė) |
110 EUR |
2 kartus iki 3 mėn. (tarnybinė) |
180 EUR |
3 kartus iki 3 mėn. (tarnybinė) |
195 EUR |
Daugkartinė tarnybinė 6 mėn. |
280 EUR |
Daugkartinė tarnybinė 12 mėn. |
320 EUR |
Tranzitinė į vieną pusę |
40 EUR |
Tranzitinė į abi puses |
50 EUR |